It´s weekend, fun time. And I´m sick. Instead of having fun, I´ll stay in. So I might as well tell the world about some cake I made.
It´s Apple Pie. Original recipe by me. Because I didn´t like the ones I found. Whoohoo!
Ingrediences for the crust:
Ingrediences for the crust:
250g Flour
175g Margarine
6 TS Ice cold water
1 Egg
a pinch of salt
6-8 Apples (I usually take at least two different kinds, sweet and sour)
2 TS Lemonjuice
2 TS Lemonjuice
2 TS Syrup (of any kind. Because Maple syrup is ridiculously expensive over here I use sugar beet molasses because thát´s pretty german, yummy and easy to find.)
100g white Sugar150g brown Sugar
1 TS ground cinnamon1 TS Starch
ButterFor the crust mix flour and salt, in little pieces add the margarine. Mix with hands or the handmixer until it´s pretty crumbles. Me I use the machine because I hate, hate, hate the feeling of flour on my hands. Same goes for sand and dry dirt...
Mix the egg with the ice cold water then mix the eggwater with the flour.
It should be a sticky, very soft dough by now. If it´s too sticky, add flour. Stickiness depends on how big the spoon was you measured the water with so... The same goes for the other way around. If it´s too dry and still crumbles, add water.
Now make a pretty ball, divide it in too, wrap in foil and put into the fridge. I usually put my dough into the freezer for 10-15mins, just to make sure it´s all cold and not that soft anymore.
Now for the filling.
Peel the apples if you like, cut them into pieces. If you´re covering your Pie, make them small. This time I didn´t cover it so I just sliced the apples for prettiness.
Put apples into a bowl. Add lemonjuice and syrup. Mix well.
Now add both sugars, cinnamon and the starch. Mix well again.
Butter the Piepan.
Now get the dough out of the fridge. Roll it out. You´ll need two big dough circles.

I usually roll my dough out between baking paper. Again this is because I hate flour on my hands. And I hate cleaning. Using paper keeps my kitchen clean.
It´s also pretty easy to make the second doughcircle as big as the first one because the margerine leaves marks on the paper.
Now put the first doughcircle into a piepan. Or a tarte-pan. Something round looks best, I guess. Poke it a few times with a fork.
But the apples in. If you´re covering the pie make the the apple pile a bit higher towards the middle. Put some little butterflakes on top if you want it extra juicy.
If you want to you can cut out little shapes from the cover layer. I´d absolutely recommend cutting some kinds of holes into it because if you don´t the pie might end up looking like a blow fish because of the hot air and stuff from the filling. I like butterflies.
Put the second doughcircle on top and pinch the two dough layers together. It´s not yummier when it´s pretty. But, well, it´s prettier. If you´re not covering the pie, just tug the apples in and pinch the dough in shape.
Now brush the cover (or just the apples) with some butter, sprinkle it with sugar and into the oven it goes.
This entry was posted
on Saturday, April 16, 2011
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Das sieht so unglaublich lecker aus! <3
abgöddisch goil! hätt ich grad voll bock drauf ~<3
ich will auuuuuuch, jetzt so'n Bock darauf!
Die Dinger sind verdammt lecker. Leider nur viiiel zu klein.
Für meinen Geschmack wäre die Größe einer mittelgroßen Nähmaschine sehr viel angebrachter für die kleinen Knödelkuchen.