Soup Week Continued  

Posted by: anna* in , , , ,

Soup Week so far has been fun. I never thought I could eat so much soup. Last time I tried to fast with my mother I had to throw up at the sight of liquid food after two days. Oh, precious memories!
But we´re eating other stuff for breakfast and lunch, so... Yesterday we actually had such a wholesome turkish lunch that we didn´t eat anything else for the rest of the day. No soup.
Today it was Parmesan Soup. Yum!
(two servings)
Onion (I used half a big one)
Zucchini (Again: half a big one)
2 medium sized Potatoes
300ml Milk
300ml Instant broth
10 Tortellioni (not self made but freshly made by the not so friendly italian girl...)
100gr Parmesan (fresh, not pre-grounded. That stuff is just nasty!)
1 ts Mustard
Garlic (as much as you like)

Pretty much all my ingrediences minus milk, broth and pasta.

How to:
Dice potatoes, onion, garlic and Zucchini. Put it into a pot and make it sweat. Add the broth and the milk. Let it cook for about 10 minutes then purée it all. The original recipe said to take out some lumps and pieces beforehand and re-add those later but i like it creamy.

In the meantime cook the tortilioni/totolini/ravioli/whatever pleases you. Ours were filled with ricotta and porcini. Fingerlicking good!
Add the grated Parmesan.
Put in bowls or plates or glasses or... (you get the point), add the pasta. Done.
Easy, tasty and it sounds pretty fancy.
Love, anna*

It´s Soup Week!  

Posted by: anna* in , , , ,

It´s been a while. Again. I´m sorry! I was busy first, then busy again and then my back decided it had been too long since my last herniated disc so... Yeah, fun.
But I cooked a little bit and will post about it, I promise.
Now for Soup Week: Nothing big, really. Just me and my sister deciding there were too many good soups for us to try and so we´ll have six days of soup before eating something nasty and oily like spare ribs on sunday.
So Monday brought us:
Potato Soup


Potatoes (we used about 8 medium sized ones for two people)
3/4l of Water
Instant broth
Something to give some taste (I used classic german "Kochwurst", thick little sausages, strong in taste and made to be cut into hearty soups or to be eaten with all kinds of cabbages.)

How to:
Pretty easy. Cook the potates. once they´re done, add water and instant broth and smash them real good. We used the immersion blender. Make sure you don´t overdo it, though, because then you don´t get soup but some kind of sticky glue...
Also, I like to keep it a bit... lumpy. But since my sis doesn´t like potato lumps this one is pretty creamy. Sigh.
Cut the sausage in bite size pieces, add to the soup, add some salt and pepper and tadaaa: Potato Soup. Yes, easy. But: Be careful with the salt if your using instant broth!
The blackish stuff you see in the picture? It´s soy sauce. While I know some people who would eat anything with soy sauce (*cough*Jens*cough*), I think it does make soups better.

Yesterday we had the yummy chinese style corn soup that we made here and that has since become one of my favorites.

Later tonight we´ll get a bit more sophisticated with a Parmesan-Zucchini-Soup. More about that tomorrow.

Love, anna